
  • Utility billing
    Water, Sewer, Garbage & Recycling is a monthly bill. Your bill is in the form of a paper copy to be returned with your payment. Your utility bill will arrive during the 1st week of each month and is due on or before the 25th of each month. There is a late fee on any unpaid balance paid after the 25th of the month. If you have any questions regarding your water meter or utility bill, contact City Hall at (320) 963-3611.
  • Automatic Meter Reading
    We are currently reading water meters in the City of Maple Lake by radio remote.
  • Utility Billing FAQs
    Below is a list of commonly requested information regarding your Maple Lake Utility Bill. If you have any questions about your bill that are not addressed on this web page, please contact City Hall.
  • Your utility bill is in the form of a paper bill.
    Your bill has a payment "stub" that should be returned with your payment to ensure it is accurately applied to your account. This bill includes charges for Water usage, Sewer usage, Plant Charge (Wastewater Treatment Plant debt reduction), Base Charge (water availability), Garbage, Recycling, and Minnesota Water Testing Fee.
  • The billing cycle is invoiced at the end of each month
    Bills are mailed out. The billing usage is for the previous month i.e., the January 30th bill is for December usage. The bills are due on the 25th of each month. There is a late fee for payments received after the 25th of the month.
  • If you have higher than normal water usages you could have a plumbing leak.
    Possible problems include: toilets (sometimes they run silently), water heaters (check for leaking), faucets (in warmer weather this may include outside faucets) or water softeners (may be recharging more often). One easy way to see if your have a problem: Read your meter right before bedtime and once again when you get up. If you use more than 10 — 20 gallons overnight, there is a problem.