Zoning Ordinances

As of 9/17/2014 these zoning ordinances are being reviewed and changes are being made. These may not reflect the most current Ordinance.  Please contact City Hall for further information or clarification.  Any building is subject but not limited to the Minnesota State Building and Fire Code.
Section 1: Table of Contents
Section 1: Title & Application
Section 2: Rules and Definitions
Section 3: Administration
Section 4: Enforcement
Section 5: Building Permits
Section 10: Conditional Use Permit
Section 11: Interim Use Permit
Section 12: Variance
Section 13: Zoning Amendments
Section 14: Administrative Permits
Section 15: Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Section 20: Zoning Districts & District Provisions
Section 30: Light Industrial (I-1)
Section 31: Manufactured Home Park District (MH-1)
Section 40: General Provisions
Section 41: Accessory Buildings
Section 42: Fences and Retaining Walls
Section 43: Wetland Preservation
Section 44: Landscaping Provisions
Section 45: Screening
Section 46: Off-Street Parking
Section 47: Off-Street Loading
Section 48: Land Excavation/Grading
Section 49: Land Filling Operations
Section 50: Storm Water and Erosion Control
Section 51: Home Occupations
Section 52: Mobile Homes
Section 53: Signs
Section 54: Non-Conforming Buildings, Structures, and Uses
Section 55: Relocating Structures
Section 56: Swimming Pools
Section 57: Auto Service Station Standards
Section 58: Drive-In Business Standards
Section 79: Floodplain Ordinance
Section 80: Fee Schedule
Section 81: Severability, Supremacy, and Effective Date